Meet Our Patients!

Meet Jacob
Jacob, 10 visited us today Tuesday April 7th, 2015 to have some restorative work done. He did a great job and had no freezing! Way to go Jacob, easy and painless!

Meet Gracelyn

Meet Mason
Mason, 2 1/2 years old was in to the office today for an extraction of a baby tooth. He was very brave today and did a great job! Very proud of you Mason!

Meet Jackson
Jackson, 3 years old was a very good boy at the dentist on Tuesday July 7th, 2015. He enjoyed playing in our kids area before his appointment! Jackson can’t wait to come back for his next check-up and cleaning.

Meet Ali
Ali was in today along with her sister’s for their first time! She enjoyed her first visit, playing in our toy room and getting a treasure after! Ali and her sister’s cannot wait to come back!

Meet Olivia
First times to the Dentist are always a bit scary but Olivia didn’t mind it at all. She along with her sister’s had a great visit with us! Nice, clean and shiny teeth is the way to go!

Meet Jameson
Jameson visited the Dr. Shafiei today for a small filling. Although a little nervous our staff made him feel comfortable. He completed his treatment with no hesitation!

Meet Luke
Luke visited our office recently to receive some fillings and was a very co-operative patient. It was a big step for him and his family after years of anxiety. He completed his treatment and was smiling and happy when he left our office.

Meet Amelia
February 2016, Ameila, came in with her two brothers for a regular dental cleaning and check-up. They all did Great.

Meet Zak
February 2016, Zak, came in with his brother and his sister for a regular dental cleaning and check-up. They all did Great.

Meet Max
February 2016, Max, came in with his brother and his sister for a regular dental cleaning and check-up. They all did Great.
Smile…and experience the feeling of pleasure and well-being. There’s no denying the link between the act of smiling and its effect on physical and psychological health. Your smile is a great communicator and conveys your identity to the world around you. To ensure the long-term health of your smile, visit our hygienist according to the schedule that is recommended. Together, we can maintain or significantly improve your dental health.