Did you know, that at no later than age 7, children should have a checkup to tell you whether or not your child would benefit from early orthodontics? By looking into these potential problems and solving them early, you can save money and prevent the need for more extensive treatment in the future. When looking to tell if your child may benefit from early orthodontics, there are a few key things to look out for; – Irregular, early or late loss of baby teeth – Difficulty biting or chewing – Mouth Breathing – Crowded, misplaced, or blocked out teeth – Teeth that may or may not meet abnormally or at all – Jaw and teeth disproportion 75% of 12-year-olds need orthodontic treatment, yet 90% of a child’s face has already developed by that age! Up to 80% of your child’s treatment can be corrected before the adult teeth are present!