by admin | Sep 18, 2019 | News 2019
As your “dental health team,” we want you to know that cleaning and polishing are regular parts of a check-up. Here are three reasons why! Professional dental cleaning is the only way to remove tartar from your teeth. If not removed, tartar can cause gum...
by admin | Sep 18, 2019 | News 2019
Yes, it is possible to do a root canal on a baby, or primary tooth. It may be necessary due to an accident or fall involving the face. Luckily, the procedure is less complicated and time-consuming than a root canal on a permanent tooth. Saving baby teeth is important...
by admin | Jun 21, 2019 | News 2019
Endodontics is a branch of dentistry concerned with preventing, diagnosing and treating problems of the dental pulp. Through endodontic treatment, also known as root canal, diseased teeth can frequently be saved from extraction. This is beneficial because a lost tooth...
by admin | Jun 21, 2019 | News 2019
Regular check-ups let us focus on helping you maintain good oral health, rather than treating problems. Check-ups are much less expensive in the long run than paying for costly, time-consuming treatment. Also, check-ups give us the opportunity to detect early warning...
by admin | Jun 21, 2019 | News 2019
But don’t be alarmed, it’s normal! Bacteria is present in your mouth at birth and will be present for life! The bacteria in your mouth feeds on carbohydrates. When the interaction of bacteria and sugar causes fermentation, the result is Acid. Acid attacks...
by admin | Jun 18, 2019 | News 2019
What has been your biggest obstacle in maintaining your own regular dental care? I’ve had a few traumatic dental experiences that have left me very anxious about going to the dentist so much so that when I came in for my first time to Hume Street Dental Care, I...